Big Tech is bad for kids.

Unlimited access to social media puts our kids in real danger.

Poor Mental Health

Increased social media use by adolescents and young adults has been associated with higher levels of anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation. Recent studies have found that spending too much time on social media can make tweens and teens feel worse about themselves, comparing themselves to their peers and influencers and beginning to feel like they’re not good enough.

Dangerous Cyberbullying

Social media can be the wild, wild west of cyberbullying. Studies show an astonishing 59% of teens in America have dealt with online bullying or harassment. The tween and teen years are hard enough, and those who are experiencing cyberbullying are more likely to feel depressed or anxious.

Sleep Disruptions

Every teen parent will tell you that teens sleep a lot. But that little blue light that comes from device screens messes with the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin. Studies say scrolling through a phone or device before bed can throw off sleep, which is a gateway to poorer overall health and general well-being, especially for kids.

Lower Academic Performance

Spending too much time on social media can tank a student’s grades. A study in the Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology found that college students who were glued to their screens had lower GPAs and were more likely to turn in their homework late.

Parents have a big responsibility

when it comes to protecting kids from Big Tech and keeping kids safe on social media.

Setting boundaries and keeping an eye on what our kids are up to online can help shield them from some of the dangers – but not all.

Now more than ever, we need commonsense reforms to rein in Big Tech’s influence on our kids’ lives.

  • Prohibit social media companies from collecting data on minors
  • Require children under 16 to receive their parents’ permission before creating social media accounts
  • Ban foreign control of social media platforms

These are just a few of the ways we can work together to stand up to Big Tech and keep children safe online.